

In cooperation with the Leipziger Eissport Club e.V. a serie of workshops established to enhance the ice skating experience offered for members and non-members. The goal is to increase the sensitivity about traditional and contemporary methods and possibilities on the ice for all levels.

In December 2019, we offered the first Creative Workshop for only dancers – beginners on the ice, but learners with high body awareness. The feedback was amazing and with 15 participants, we are ready to face a new target group.

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PDF Kreativ Workshops Leipzig 2019-2020

Running in 2020:

Synchronized Skating – Introduction (Juliane Weicker & team)
Edge Class (Peter Pfahl)
Special Elements – Techniques (Kathi Winterhagen)

Running in 2019:

Movement Qualities, following Laban (Birgit Aust)
Improvisation Techniques (Vasiliki Bara)
Movement Choirs – Introduction (Katja Grohmann)
Ice Skating for Dancers only (Juliane Bittermann)
Contact Improvisation (Juliane Bittermann)
In October 2019, the first creative workshop was given in Erfurt, Thuringia.